Week In Review: Marathon Training Week 3 and Running in Ayr!

Last week was 52km so 10% increase would be 57.2km. How the week was supposed to go….

DayTraining TypeNameAccumulator (km)
MondayResistanceBlock 3, Session 1, Upper
MondayRest/Walk Light walk maybe if I have time
TuesdayConditioningCircuit Based
TuesdayRunInterval 400m/200m work/rest x 8
2km cool/warm
8.8 km
WednesdayResistanceBlock 3, Session 2, Lower
WednesdayRun11k Very Easy19.8 km
ThursdayConditioningCircuit Based
ThursdayRunTempo Run 5k @ 5k Pace 2.5k warm/cool
4k Easy (14km total)
33.8 km
FridayResistance / ConditioningBlock 3, Session 3, Full
SaturdayRunEasy Long Run – 21km + 3km progressive57.8 km

And how it actually went…

Well Tuesday and Wednesday were a wash out, I felt super cold all day on Tuesday and then had to do the Halloween walk with the kids and just felt generally awful. Wednesday I worked from home sat on the sofa with the laptop and just felt generally like crap. Luckily I started to feel better around the 8pm mark once the kids went to bed huzzah.

So the week generally was like this…

DayTraining TypeNameAccumulator (km)RatingNotes
MondayResistanceBlock 3, Session 1, Upper8/10Terrible sleep the night before but the session was actually pretty good.
ThursdayRun10k Base10.2 km10/10Nice easy 10k to get back into it, really really stable
FridayRunEasy Run 5k @ 10k Pace15.6 km6/10Did not feel confident going into this but it felt okay
FridayRun4.2k Recovery19.8 km10/10The recovery run felt excellent, best speed I’ve had back from the gym since July
SundayRunEasy Long Run – 24km43.8 km7/10I got lost so many times as this was in Ayr and I have no idea where I was. Good pace throughout tho!

So a total of 43.8km so considering I was ill 2 days, I’m pretty happy with this. Aim for next week is to get back up to my goal of 57.2km same as the original for last week.

Ayr! Long Run

I really look forward to the long run each week. I get clear ideas and it let’s me prioritise, I kind of like to switch up listening to audio books / music / podcasts depending on what I want to think about.

Anyway this week’s run was in Ayr as we were at Craig Tara Caravan Park for the Guy Fawkes fireworks as there’s only one display in North Lanarkshire now, the traffic is bloody awful for this so that was a hard no from me. So Craig Tara it was, we had a pretty good time. Had my first Papa John’s pizza, was alright – the end.

Anyway the run!

I generally started out pretty slow and got faster as I went a long, it was a negative elevation of 150m so a fairly quick course loop around the outside of Ayr and then back around the seafront. Was very dark starting out and I still haven’t decided on a head torch yet so mobile phone in hand it was! I kept getting lost and went through this lovely tunnel below, enjoy my commentary on the tags…

Conclusions, I’m getting faster

So in conclusion I’m definitely getting faster. My average pace over time is dropping, this is brilliant. I really want my easy runs getting faster as that means I can get more miles in with less time which is my biggest limiting factor.

Here’s my average pace over time with garmin for those who are interested…

So in January I was 7.59 min/km average pace and now at the end of October my average pace is 5:53 min/km! That’s mental! So happy!

Trendlines for the Win!

So let’s so dome quick trendlines…. Cause I lova the trendlina

Okay I actually burst out laughing at this… so according to trends I’ll be hitting an average of sub 4 min/km by May next year! One can bloody hope ha!

Week in Pictures

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